Tuesday, January 03, 2012

I'll Take Sour Grapes for $100, Alex

Sandra Bernhard trashing Kathy Griffin for "needing a new angle" is pretty rich. I think you'd have gotten further if you'd called Kathy in her Hollywood Hills mansion and asked for your career back nicely, Sandy. Read more HERE.


Matthew Rettenmund said...

You just can't resist reigniting your war with Sandra, can you??? You're right, though. Kathy Griffin is not as conceptual and interesting as some other artists (including Sandra), and she has lost a lot of her funniness due to repeated use by me over the past few years, but she brings the funny, and that is what a comedian should do.

Anonymous said...

Sandra is so yesterday and she knows it. also, really, really haggard and scary looking!

1426ri said...

Sandra used to be the best. She isn't anymore, and taking it out on Kathy Griffin. She comes off as kind of bitter. I love them both though.

You Oughtta Know said...

Well said, Mr. Kenneth. Sour grapes, anyone?

http://ricksrealreel.blogspot.com/ said...

For me, Kathy Griffin is the new Joan Rivers. And I don't mean that as a compliment.