Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sen. Tom Duane Is Lucky I Didn't Go Larry David on His Ass*

Just a week after catching up on the entire current season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" did I have a Larry David moment en route to work this afternoon, when this large group of people was strewn about the sidewalk on 8th Avenue, right in front of the Dish restaurant. I was THIS CLOSE to making my usual LOUD announcement -- "Stop blocking the entire sidewalk!!!" -- when I realized there was some emotional "moment" unfolding (just like in the ice cream section at the supermarket!) with hugging and those wet things that come out of people's eyes sometimes, and that the guy doling out the comforting was none other than state Sen. Tom Duane. (How random, I wonder if the guys at La Taza de Oro know he's two-timing them?) While I appreciate that something of significance to these people was going on -- and am most grateful for your efforts on gay marriage, the Sexual Orientation Non-Discrimination Act and many other things you've done for our district -- might I suggest your next piece of legislation be called the "You're Not the Only Person in the World Act of 2011," which outlaws people having no consideration for anyone but themselves? Me and many other people had to literally walk in the street (safety last!) to get where we were going, and as "cold" as this may sound, New York is filled with busy people besides your sidewalk crew who also have things of significance going on in their lives, so as a lawmaker you surely must realize this is a problem with people constantly blocking subway entrances, staircases and streets. You see, Tom: In a city of nearly 9 million, civility is all we have ... and although we're not senators, Larry and I would gladly cosponsor in spirit.

*If you didn't watch the episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" I'm referring to, could you please refrain from leaving a inane comment? Thanks!


Mike said...

"Me and many other people"? Seriously?

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

Mike: I'm totally serious!

Humorless Non-Larry David Fan said...

You're sounding pretty curmudgeonly in your blog lately. It's too soon for seasonal affective disorder, so what's up?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're being more than a little petty!!!! Get over it!

BW said...

Jeez, you probably don't recognize the constitutional right to walk/run/bike [insert number in your party] abreast either!

Humorless Non-Larry David Fan said...

Humoreless Non-Larry David fan was a pretty funny name. But really, I love CYE and (normally) your blog...