Monday, September 12, 2011

Hollywood Love Match

You couldn't swing a Prince Woodie during the women's final in Arthur Ashe stadium yesterday without hitting a celebrity -- how Hollywood loves tennis -- including Mr. Bradley Cooper, who I hear is quite the player himself. (I'm told that's Ron Rifkin with BC.) Also seen:

Vanessa Williams

Queen Latifah, who performed the National Anthem, with a "friend"

Noted tennis freak Andy Samberg and (I think) Dave Foley
John Simm

Alec Baldwin, who needs to just get a room with "Jay the Uptight Barista" already



Will Smyth said...

-who is that older man w/ Bradley Cooper (I'm guessing that's his dad or some other guy he's with)

I've heard rumors about Vanessa Williams but this confirms it.

-ditto w/ Andy Samberg and Dave Foley.

-is that Jeanette Jenkins, Queen Latifah's lover? sure doesn't look like it.

smacr said...

The actor sitting beside Bradley Cooper is Ron Rifkin most recently seen on "Brothers and Sisters".

The man sitting next to Andy Samberg is not Dave Foley. His name is John Simm and he's a British television and film actor, probably best known in North America for his stint in Dr. Who (from 2007-2010)as a Time Lord known as The Master.

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

Thanks, Smacr!

Anonymous said...

What has Bradley Cooper doen to his face - looks stretched!