Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Grand Sam-berg!

I've never given "Saturday Night Live" cast member Andy Samberg a second thought -- apparently the gays love him for some reason -- but I've sure got a lot more respect for him since seeing his portrayal of tennis legends in this New York Times Magazine article about the game's greatest rivalries. Not only does he look the part(s) -- hair and make-up artists are can be thanked more for that -- he really has the mannerisms down (see video below), and seems to know a lot about the game. (Smart people invariably appreciate tennis and he's even on to Agassi's "sad eyes"!) So just one question: If the gays really do adore him so much, why didn't he return the favor with a little Chris and Martina dress-up for us? (Hat tip to Towleroad)

1 comment:

Mike in Asheville said...

Kenneth -- google or youtube Andy with Justin Timberlake for their SNL digital shorts: "Mother Lover" and "It Ain't Gay if It's a Three-way".

I just want to know who his pot supplier is, cause, wow, it must be some great shit!