Thursday, September 29, 2011

Caption Me


Steve 2.0 said...

Wanna try this between your buns?

Anonymous said...

Cleverly placed sausage!!

Anonymous said...

Who were the Ambiguously Gay duo they were talking about?

Dennis said...

from an advertising viewpoint "awkward" or "oops, someone had their boyfriend in mind"

From an titillation viewpoint: "yep, brilliant"

from a self mutilation viewpoint: "well we are drones anyway so may as well"

From a newsworthy standpoint: "At least it is not the garbage disposal"

overseer01 said...

"I've been eating it raw for so long, I just want to try it cooked."

Kevin said...

"I don't care if you are using tongs, put that back in your pants!"

Anonymous said...

ok guys: give me one with mustard, not with ketchup please

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad we're straight, otherwise I just might want to put this thing up my butt.

oscar mayer said...

That shouldn't have grill marks.