Tuesday, June 14, 2011

One Size Does Not Fit All

I missed all the hoopla surrounding Tracy Morgan's homophobic rant while I was in Tulsa the last few days, but my pal Dave Rubin -- an openly gay comedian -- alerted me to this embarrassing "Twitter war" he was involved in about the topic with CNN's Roland Martin, who doesn't seem to get that there is such a thing as context when it comes to humor -- no, we shouldn't BAN the F-word anymore than we should BAN the N-word -- and one size does not fit all. (Are people really this one-dimensional?) The back-and-forth tweets are HERE. Read Dave's take-away HERE. This was so much more interesting to me when I thought Rowan & Martin had joined the debate! (Is CNN still on the air?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

to understand where Roland Martin is coming from in this discussion, you must understand that Roland Martin is an evangelical Christian. He believes being gay is a choice and that you can pray the gay away.

Roland Martin has a very biased opinion in this discussion.