Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Anthony Weiner's Cock Shot Finally Pops Up

As if there were any doubts, the New York congressman definitely leans left. To see it, click HERE.


Mike said...

There's been more written about this than Obama finally capturing bin Laden. Shows where our priorities are.

Kevin said...

Thanks for the eye-strain. I think whoever took that photo also shot Lucille Ball in MAME!

Matthew Rettenmund said...

Kevin wins for funniest blog comment ever.

Jay said...

wow, now that's one hot dog...get it, dog...LOLOL

ajlounyinjurylaw said...

Who cares people. It's his personal and private business and it's not a reflection on his ability to do his job. One thing though, he should have known this would have come out. People love scandals such as this.