Monday, June 06, 2011

Andy Warhol Portrait of Debbie Harry to Go on Auction

The Telegraph reports that a pink Andy Warhol portrait of Debbie Harry is set to be auctioned by Sotheby's later this month, and is expected to fetch up to $9 million. The painting is one of four portraits of Harry in the rare 42-inch format, two of which are in the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh. This one comes from a private European collection.

Debbie described sitting for the legendary Pop artist:

“He was the master of understatement. He'd say 'Try looking over here.' He was very softly spoken and used a funny Polaroid portrait camera. It was an easy environment and not really a pressured situation. He made it very easy. Andy was part of our legacy and our future.”

Anyone know if Debbie has the fourth?

Read the full article HERE.

1 comment:

Writer said...

I WANT! Can anyone out there loan me a billion or so?