Monday, May 09, 2011

Courting Disaster

Apparently there is a new 'tween romance coming out -- "16-Love" -- about "a top-ranked junior player who is injured and forced to lead the teen life she never had before." (She's 16 and only ranked No. 1 in juniors? Tracy Austin is definitely taking the family to see this "comedy"!) Films have not been kind to tennis -- remember "Players" and "Racquet," or more recently, Kirsten Dunst's "Wimbledon"? -- but then again, Bert Convy was no Chandler Massey (above) of "Days of Our Lives" fame. Tennis Served Fresh interviewed the movie's leading lady, Lindsay Shaw, and found out the best part about working on the film was, surprise, Chandler's abs. Read HERE.

Lindsey Black, Lindsey Shaw, Chandler Massey and Susie Abromeit, a former Duke player, who adds a little court cred to the flick

1 comment:

Tom S. said...

But what about Woody Allen's "Matchpoint"