Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Un-Happy Days

Four cast members of "Happy Days" -- Anson Williams, Donnie Most, Marion Ross and Erin Moran -- and the estate of Tom Bosley, who died last October, are squaring off against CBS, claiming the network owes them "millions" for merchandising revenues. (The only realized it recently when a bunch of "Happy Days"-themed slot machines -- Cunninghams Go Wild, The Fonz and Richie's Big Night -- became a big hit in casinos.) The fact Joanie's house just went into foreclosure, and that Ron Howard and Henry Winkler -- the show's biggest success stories -- are mysteriously not involved in the complaint, casts a very sad shadow over my favorite show when I was a little boy. Frankly, I'm surprised their contracts even called for this type of royalties -- so many actors don't even seem to get paid for reruns, let alone merchandise -- but it was a much bigger show than most. Couldn't even show your face in Ms. Schnabel's 4th grade class if you hadn't seen "Happy Days" -- EVERYONE was talking about it! Hope they get what they have coming to them.


Johnny Diaz said...

Wasn't the show on ABC?

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

@Johnny: Yes, you're right. I guess Paramount/CBS actually owns the show, though.

pinky tuscadero said...

ABC cancelled then CBS took it over. I don't think it ran long on CBS.
Brian Keith was a multimillionaire from the royalties he contracted for Family Affair. I'm betting the folks from Happy Days are owed much more than the paltry sum CBS has offered.

James Greenlee said...

Paramount was the owner, ABC the network. CBS and Paramount are owned by Viacom now. . .or something like that. Happy Days didn't run on CBS ever as far as I know.

That said, Potsie is still pretty cute!

MJJM said...

The real greasers of that era would have knocked that two-feet- tall Fonz right on his scrawny arse.

David said...

I'm not sure they have much of a case if their likenesses aren't being used on the slot machines.