Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Skinny on 'Happy Endings'

"Fatties" on the right, skinnies on the left!

For no reason other than the fact that it happened to be on while I was running on the treadmill, I ended up watching the pilot episode of "Happy Endings," ABC's midseason replacement about a group of friends whose world is turned upside down when the couple that brought them together breaks up -- at the altar. If it sounds contrived and predictable, it is. But one thing that did sort of surprise me was the cast. Three of them -- Zachary Knighton (far right), who plays Dave, the victim of the runaway bride; Casey Wilson, who plays the hopelessly single Penny; and Adam Pally (near right), who plays Penny's straight-acting gay BFF, Max -- are all "thick" by TV standards. (When's the last time 50 percent of the leads on a show about 20-somethings weren't Hollywood ripped?)

Knighton is very handsome, so works the "big guy" bit that could get Vince Vaughn sloppy in a couple years. Wilson's character can't land a man like her two blond friends -- who happen to be thin -- so casting is obviously doing that to help explain her "problem." (Get it? Fat chicks can't get boyfriends?) Only Pally's character -- who like the other two, isn't exactly "fat" -- is teased about his weight on the show -- bring on the protests! -- and with no irony from the other two "fatties" on board. If the show lasts more than half a season, perhaps we can look forward to an episode where Damon Wayans Jr. -- the only familiar face on the cast, who plays Brad, hubby to one of the skinny blond chicks -- whips these guys into shape. Now if his famously funny family could just do something with the writing.


Unhappy Endings said...

This is a horrible show. Contrived and painful to watch, they play on every unfortunate stereotype, and the "gay" guy is tragic and borders on offensive.

I'll give up "Modern Family" i=f they leave this mess on afterward.

Thomas said...

Another half hour of my life taken from me! This show is awful and is so predictable. Not even funny. "Hated it !"

sam said...

Wow. I guess there's something wrong with me. I found the show hilarious and entertaining and I actually look forward to another episode. Guess being a gay guy living out in the desert doesn't result in the same taste as living in the big city.