Can't tell you how happy it makes me to see Louis C.K. is on the streets of Manhattan filming another season of his sublime FX show, "Louie." I was already a fan of his stand-up -- and his short-lived HBO show, "Lucky Louie" -- when I stumbled upon his latest creation, which he writes, directs and edits. I can't even remember which episode, or scene, it was, but I caught it completely out of context and thought it was the worst thing I'd ever seen. Thank god the accolades kept pouring in, because the next time I tuned in I was nearly in shock at what I was seeing. So smart and wickedly funny, yet so painfully sweet and tender, like a blue-collar, Irish-Catholic Larry David, only way more sensitive. (I think wealth adds to Larry's coldness.) So many of my favorite shows only lasted one season, so I will be incredibly curious to see if he can keep up the ridiculously high level of quality. The show seems so subtle, yet it stays with you in ways few shows can. If you haven't seen it, check it out on Netflix

I flove this show so much. And, so help me, I find Louis CK really sexy.
Had no idea you were a LUCKY LOUIE fan. I've not seen it, but a writer friend was the Executive Producer. He's now co-creator of MEN OF A CERTAIN AGE w/ Ray Romano -- which I highly recommend.
Is it bad that every time I see this guy, I pop wood? He looks a lot like my BF, another funny bald man. I just want him to sit on my face and make me blow him. My BF is gonna get lucky in 5, 4, 3...
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