Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Joe Jonas Isn't Gay, and Other Fish Stories

In the upcoming issue of Details, tween idol Joe Jonas goes on the record that he's not gay (the onetime purity ring wearer is dating "Twilight" star Ashley Greene) -- something Ricky Martin never did, if memory serves me right -- but then immediately makes jokes about break-ups with guys while preparing gourmet tacos from his Hollywood apartment that's walking distance from his gym that he goes to five days a week. (Sorry, had to get that out.) Everyone in "the know" swears he's gay, but he's also (still) a commodity, so what can you say? Either way, the kid's adorable and I wish him well with his upcoming solo album, even if he sounds shockingly delusional about the Jonas Brothers' past, present and future. (He believes that Paul McCartney called them "the new Beatles" and that they "have" a future? All righty.) More photos HERE.

I see that at least on Jonas Brothers fan doesn't approve on the new Joe, though!

1 comment:

jackscribe said...

Here's a thoughtful essay about being 'mostly straight' that might shed light on Joe.

Interesting that Simon Dexter (aka Harley on Sean Cody) posted this on his Facebook page.