Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Closing Night of 'Camelot'

It always stuns me that people sit on historic items of interest -- hell, I scan and write about school projects I saved from 9th grade! -- and it's especially hard to understand (and consequently that much more wonderful) when these things are about something as noteworthy as the Kennedys. So it's no wonder the nation is mesmerized by the discovery of footage of the president and first lady taken on Nov. 21, 1963, the night before JFK was assassinated. Jack and Jackie were filmed by Roy Botello at an event for the League of the United Latin American Citizens at the Rice Hotel in Houston, as part of a five-city visit to Texas that was to have ended at a dinner in Austin. It's a shame there isn't sound -- there was a mariachi band and Jackie wowed 'em in Spanish! -- but to see the first couple, so young and filled with promise, on what would be their last night together is as exhilarating as it is haunting. See for yourself HERE.

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