Thursday, December 02, 2010

'Becoming Chaz' to Debut at Sundance Film Festival

Just read that a new documentary about Chaz Bono's transition is premiering at Sundance next year:

"Becoming Chaz" / U.S.A. (Directors: Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato) -- Born biologically female, Chastity Bono invites the viewer into a deeply personal journey as he transitions from female to male, embracing his true self, which is Chaz.

I'm somewhat surprised -- he seems so uncomfortable being in the limelight. But more than anything, I wonder if the film will touch on something very provocative Cher said about the whole saga, that celebrities get the best and worst of medical treatment, and that she thought Chaz's doctors seemed too gung-ho to perform the surgery (because of who he was) and that she didn't feel Chaz's doctors did their "due diligence."

1 comment:

Will J said...

And lord only knows that momma knows about 'gettin work done'.