Saturday, November 20, 2010

Who Keeps Bankrolling This Chick's Flops?

Please tell me Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd aren't in New York this weekend filming a sequel to "The Object of My Affection," one of the most disappointing "gay" films I can remember ever seeing.


Bucky said...

That film did redeem itself by having a very nice scene of Paul Rudd shirtless with his beautiful hairy chest.

Any film that has Rudd shirtless can't be all bad.

David said...

The movie was bad but the book was amazing you have to admit. I saw Stephen McCauley do a reading at a Barnes & Noble in the Upper West Side this summer. He's awesome.

BosGuy said...

The movie was definitely crap. But I'm a sucker for Rudd and will see just about anything he's in.