Wednesday, October 06, 2010

'Mad' at Myself

Here are Jon Hamm and Elisabeth Moss in Cannes promoting "Mad Men." As I've mentioned, I finally got Season 1 on DVD and am more than halfway through. I'm loving every minute of it, but I have to admit that not experiencing the phenomenon in "real time" with the rest of the world is kind of a bummer. Each week I find myself dodging the round-ups in magazines, newspapers and blogs -- things that I'm sure I would LOVE to be reading. Sometimes, the occasional spoiler tweet will slip through, and I'll be kicking myself all over again that I waited so long to jump on the bandwagon. That my attention span for watching television is extremely limited isn't helping matters -- I can play on my laptop for 24 hours straight, but watch a DVD all the way through in one sitting? No way! -- but these photos have me wondering if they're a few seasons behind in the South of France. If so, sounds like an invitation to me.


Anonymous said...

Call me melodramatic but I don't think I would cope if I ever met him in person!! SWOON!!!

nojarama said...

Don't worry, you're patience will pay off. The seasons just keep getting better and better. A perfect show!

Anonymous said...

Me too! I'm just now half way through Season Two while simultaneously watching this season and it is only making it better.

Best place for reviews and analysis of old/new episodes can be found here: