Monday, October 04, 2010

Homo Box Office

Michael and I had a movie weekend, seeing "The Social Network" on Friday and "The Town" on Saturday. It's very rare that a film that has been so praised lives up to the hype ("Slumdog Millionaire," anyone?), but boy did "The Social Network." (See it -- enough said.)

"The Town" has gotten good notices too, but I don't think it was the buzz that disappointed me. The acting and directing were great -- but the writing was definitely the weakest link. Admittedly, action "bank heist" movies are not my thing, but even for this type of film, it sure seemed like a lot of stuff we've seen before. What we haven't seen, however, is Big Ben's body looking so incredibly ripped (LOVE how he included that gratuitous "workout" scene -- he is the director, after all). It was so good, in fact, that I'm willing to overlook the film's other shortcomings.

1 comment:

Ken said...

The Social network was a complete schnooze. I knew the story going in, so just read a magazine article about it and save the bucks. Yes, they had parties, did drugs, and were mean to each other. that makes a movie these days?