Thursday, September 09, 2010

Judge Rules Ban on Gays in Military Is Unconstitutional

Kudos to Judge Virginia A. Phillips of U.S. District Court for ruling about "don't ask, don't tell" what human rights activists have been saying all along: it violates the Fifth and First amendments to the Constitution. If Obama's Justice Department has any sense of decency, it will not appeal this long-overdue ruling. Having to pretend you're against marriage equality in an attempt to "save" votes you're never going to get anyway is bad enough, but this government-run program of discrimination against our nation's men and women in uniform is beyond the pale.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why they are asking the members of the military how they feel about the policy in the first place.
Generals, enlisted men, etc.. are employees of the U.S. Government, paid for with my money. They don't OWN the military.
Since when do you make policy based on what the employees personally feel??
