Monday, August 16, 2010

Blond Lowlights

There's no excuse for any of the blond hairstyles in this post. But to the boys in the Topman ad, all I have to say is at least it was the '80s when my omelet adorned my noggin.

Nina and Kenny in Birmingham, Michigan, circa 1987


Matthew said...

"It was the '80s" is no excuse, Kenneth. You looked like Joyce Bulifant. I'm disappointed.

alberto mario said...

Creepy. You look like those evil kids on John Carpenter's "Village of the Damned" movie (aka blondie kids who loves to kill with their eyes).

You Oughtta Know said...

Thats a beautiful case of Helmet Head. So bleached it looks flammable.

nojarama said...

The one on the left looks just like my imaginary boyfriend, George Glass, that I was enamored with in junior high!