Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Leave a Tender Moment Alone

How completely sickening -- and, sadly, predictable -- that The Washington Post would find itself under attack for a Page 1 photo of two men celebrating their new-found (ability to get a) marriage license with a smooch. The paper's ombudsman, Andrew Alexander, reports that complaints about "controversial photos" usually last a day or so, but this one had not died down since it ran last week. So many people -- including people dear to my heart -- still get all bent out of shape and want to tell me that "gays" (and "blacks") are too quick to want to twist "everything" around into being about homophobia or about racism. But I ask you to read these comments about two men sharing a tender moment -- stop "promoting a faggot lifestyle," "this stuff makes normal people want to throw up" "please don't shove this gay business in our face" -- and ask yourself if it those in the minority who are really the ones being so sensitive, or if you're not really understanding what it's like to be on the receiving end of this type of hate on a daily basis.


Anonymous said...

There are many countries where men kiss on the lips and are not gay nor are they considered gay. It's a normal, healthy, tender expression of affection between humans.
I wouldn't expect anything different as a response from people living in the land of hate.

Marc said...

Bravo, Kenneth. These bigots are the same people who dress their 7-year-old girls in slutwear, and think nothing of a semi-nude woman selling deodorant, or a straight couple making out in bed. But a harmless peck between two men is grotesque?

We've come a long way, baby, but the cave-dwellers haven't.