Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snowpocalypse, Now?

The city seems to be screeching to a halt over the "blustery snowstorm" on the East Coast. But it didn't seem like much to write home about to this native Michigander.


Brian said...

Tell me about it! This lake-effect Upstater scoffs at anything less than 12 inches. (that's what she said?)

But NYC's not so bad. I lived in DC for 6+ years. Neither the municipality nor the populace know how to handle anything more than 2 inches. It's sort of funny, at least now that I don't live there anymore.

John said...

Kenneth - I live in the neighborhood and really enjoy your blog - Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, also as a former Michigander, this hysteria about the snow just cracks me up.