Monday, December 28, 2009

RT @MarcLallanilla

Status update from my good friend Marc:

Just a quick 'Thank You' to whoever side-swiped my parked car in NYC last night, ripping off the entire front bumper. Now I get to be one of those cool guys whose car is held together with bungee cords. A hot look for 2010!


Anonymous said...

Yikes! Is that all that's under that tremendous plastic bumper??? Maybe get a Jeep Wrangler. They don't pop apart so easily and look better the more beat up they get. Anyway, that sucks. Most city garages aren't at full capacity right now and are more willing to negotiate.

Marc Lallanilla said...

A Jeep Wrangler? That's exactly what I need to continue my good luck streak -- a Chrysler product.