Friday, December 18, 2009


The gals on the corner were screaming about the free samples of a new "low calorie" Coke product they were giving away. Being the diet soda freak that I am, I took one. Upon closer inspection, however, I realized the "low calorie" Coke Mini has only 90 calories because ... it's about half as big as a regular Coke! You've got to admire the balls behind this "pay more to get less" marketing strategy Madison Avenue has adopted in recent years. Apparently corporate America thinks that as our waistlines expand, our brands shrink. Now excuse me. I'm hungry. I'm gonna go have a 100-calorie pack of Oreo crisps.

1 comment:

durlx said...

This has been going on for centuries. You know those thin Italian breadsticks? They were made so that the rich and the nobility in Italy could eat a "whole loaf" (or two) and not gain so much weight.