Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Separate and Anything but Equal

Am sick to my stomach about the Maine marriage equality vote. How would ANY OTHER group feel about having THEIR rights put on a ballot for others to vote on?

12:48 a.m. UPDATE This is not looking good.
3:16 a.m. UPDATE Fucked again.


JEF 9000 said...

Towleroad is reporting that the great majority of Portland votes remain unreported - and the initiative is losing big there. So it's not over yet. Even so, I am feeling sick right now, too.

r said...
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jose kwan said...

i dunno if you have heard about this, california is now collecting signature to put banning divorce on the 2010 ballot. i hope it will, and wonder how those who voted against gay marriage will vote.

Matthew said...

We will win eventually, but it's a 3-year project in many states and longer in others. Even today, I bet there are states that would vote against black people having rights. Imagine if states had voted on black rights in the '60s instead of it happening via the feds??? It would have taken until the '70s and probably beyond in some states. The current state-by-state process is working, but slowly, and it's exhaustive, divisive and costly. However, seeing as how we can't win (though we don't lose by a LOT) in blue states, we have to realize there's no way Obama or any Dem prez will take on DOMA or marriage equality. At all. For a long while. And that is partly the prez's fault, but mostly it's the fact that we are not a winning issue. Yet.

Unknown said...

Another sad day.

The campaign did a good job mobilizing people but was constantly on the defense with its ads. We need to show families being broken apart: a partner dying in the hospital while his other half can't see him; a child whose two moms don't have the same rights; a maniacal religious machine plotting to take rights away from loving couples; straight people from Massachusetts saying that gay marriage hasn't affected them besides to realize that we are all in loving relationships. Instead, we were constantly on the defense trying to show that gays are not child molesters who want to brainwash school children into thinking that they are part of our cult.

If need be, let's put an ad of a predatory catholic priest on the air - ok, a bit much, but we need to get creative!

David in Houston said...

I think I'm more saddened by this, than the Prop. 8 defeat. I really thought this was going to be a turning point in gay civil rights. Apparently, Maine is not as independent as they claimed to be.

My only solace is knowing that in 5 to 10 years, old homophobic voters are going to be dead, and young tolerant voters will take there place, and this bigotry and injustice will be undone. It's a small comfort. But it keeps me going.

Chuck Baum said...

Right as always Kenny. We should let people vote on if you watch FoxNews, then you lose your right to speak in public. That would pass! How about if you are fat, bald, and over 60, then you lose the right to be on tv. That would pass! It is also strange but true that all conservatives have long faces with eyes too close together and flat hair. We should strip anyone with such attributes from their right to vote. That would pass!