Thursday, November 05, 2009

Morning Wood


Unknown said...

I was fortunate enough to be included as one of your morning men and came across this guy..the words "oh my GAWD" actually came out of my mouth....TWICE!
dear lord, find him, wrap him up and send him to me for Xmas! I don't care if he has baggage, issues and insecurities..well ...ish ;0)

I Am CAM Jr said...

Truly, KENNETH, HOW in the WORLD can the HUMAN FLESH be sooooooooooo damn DELICIOUS-LOOKING? I mean, it IS simply HUMAN FLESH after all. Channeling Rachael Ray: "Yummo!"

Basel-based Michael said...

Thanks for making my day. I'm in love and I just need his name and phonenumber as my mum needs to meet her son-in-law-to-be asap.

stonrdude said...

Its just another pretty face! Wow, but real pretty!

Unknown said...

Hi, someone knows who is him? his name?

Thanks a lot :-)