Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday Ad Watch


Anonymous said...

Here's an odd thing about the promised family vacation to South Africa: it's only for three people. If we win, we'll have to make a Sophie's Choice between our two kids or buy a ticket...

Anonymous said...

Hi Kenneth: Love the blog.

The first comment (White parents, white baby) really got under my skin. I live in Cape Town, South Africa (but wasn’t born here). This person has obviously never been here. Gay people are protected here like nowhere else in the world.

While the Americans debated the race and gender of their presidential candidates (sooo tiring) the South Africans went to vote and elected a new government. The race of the candidates never featured in debates.

While Americans (and a lot of other nations) are fighting about gay marriage, the South Africans introduced it without any fuss.

Mixed couples are common here and do not even raise an eyebrow. In South Africa no one would have looked at this poster and said: White parents, white baby. South Africans are so completely beyond that and it is a pity that some people are still expecting the opposite.

Come and visit us and you will see why people like myself will not leave this place. So, Kenneth, it might be a good idea to only publish multi-racial photos from now on.

Anonymous said...


To the third guy ("Hi Kenneth. Love the blog" etc) - I agree with what you say, and love South Africa (I get down there at least twice a year)...but come a few more liberal parts of Cape Town and Jo'burg you might see some mixed couples, but "mixed couples are common here" just isn't true.