Friday, November 06, 2009

Tired Old Queen at the Movies: 'The Maltese Falcon' (1941)

Remember the first time you went to a real gay party and there was that older, worldly gay guy who told you all of those fascinating stories about the "olden days," like the time he was held hostage by Muslim terrorists inside the B'nai B'rith building in Washington -- during the infamous Hanafi Siege back in '77 -- and one his captors noticed he had eyeliner on? (Sorry, having a flashback.) Well, he's back. Only this time he's here to teach you about classic movies. "The Maltese Falcon" is this week's pick, below.



Patel said...

That's what I needed this morning! Nothing like a delightful queen with my coffee. Thanks, Kenneth!

Rocket567 said...

Hey, Isn't that guy Perry in "Trick"? Funny stuff.

Steve said...

kenneth in the (212) thank you for including my vlog in you your blog.

Tired Old Queen in the (212)

Danny in WeHo said...

Coco AND Steve? Did you just watch TRICK again? Funny thing, I just watch MALTESE FALCON for the first time LAST night! Quel coincidanse! Already saw BRICK and really enjoyed that, too!