Friday, October 02, 2009

History in the Making

I may not agree with Larry Kramer that every man in the history of the world was gay, but I sure am pleased that organizations like Equality Forum are making certain our history is finally being acknowledged with GLBT History Month. Click HERE to keep up with all 31 icons in 31 days (if you missed yesterday, it was Alvin Ailey). Now if we could only do something about the fact that we can't even come to a consensus on "what" we're called (is this not the perfect metaphor for everything that's wrong with our movement?). I've always favored GLBT but am starting to feel like LGBT is the more common shorthand. Could someone finally make a decisive ruling on this? Oh, wait. We have no central leadership either. (For access to the 93 Icons from GLBT History Month 2008, 2007 and 2006, click on the archives link.)

1 comment:

Ron Buckmire said...

I think it is LGBT...