Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Finally Got Milk

Via SFGate: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has at long last signed a bill to create a state day of recognition for slain San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk, making him only the second Californian, after naturalist John Muir, to receive the honor. (The gov had vetoed it in the past.) Harvey Milk Day will be marked in California on May 22 May, Milk's birthday. The activist was assassinated in 1978. I think this is HUGE because less than two years ago I can remember many of my savviest gay friends not even knowing who Milk was. Visibility is everything and reclaiming our history is only the beginning.

1 comment:

richard said...

I think this is HUGE because less than two years ago I can remember many of my savviest gay friends not even knowing who Milk was. Visibility is everything and reclaiming our history is only the beginning.
kenneth -- if this is true, it explains the wasting of much -- is it the focus on sordid lives rather than the content interwoven in the proverbial mix?? milk was in my life when i was at arizona state!! savvy -- return to those scripted or real gay bashings outside of the abbey and one understands why proposition 8 makes me yawn. good post-op. thanks.