Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Did You Hear About the Straight-to-Video Bin?

If "Did You Hear About the Morgans?," the new movie starring Sarah Jessica Parker and Hugh Grant, isn't the epitome of everything that's wrong with the world romantic comedies today, I don't know what is. Get it -- they're an estranged couple from Manhattan but are forced to go to Wyoming and TOTALLY don't fit in? (They're better than everythere because they need to check their BlackBerrys 24 hours a day.) Apparently the box office stench of "New in Town," the exact same film starring Renee Zellwegger, wasn't enough for the producers of this. How did such a wonderful genre of films become so humorless and trite?

  • Sassy black lady in position of authority? Check
  • Men don't listen joke? Check.
  • Men lie joke? Check.
  • Sarah Palin joke? Check.
  • Taxidermy joke? Check.
  • Hicks who are actually smarter than New York intellectuals? Check.
  • Bickering while there's a life-threatening situation going on? Check.
  • PETA joke? Check.

    (And I'm willing to make a bet that there's a "toilet-seat-being-left-up" joke tucked in there somewhere.)

    I saw the trailer in a romantic-comedy-friendly theater in Chelsea and was actually embarrassed for the actors on-screen when they'd deliver their "zingers" with a long dramatic pause to allow room for laughter, yet you could hear tumbleweeds roll by instead.

    And to writer/director Marc Lawrence: "There was once a girl from Nantucket"? REALLY?????? Kudos to Matthew McConaughey's agent for NOT allowing him to go near this contrived piece of crap.


    James Greenlee said...

    Ahh, but is there a needle-scratch/skidding brakes moment? A sassy grandmother saying something inappropriate? A Motown song?

    SteveDenver said...

    This unfortunate piece of waste was in limited release last summer. I lost a bet and had to accompany a "friend." Hugh Grant is so wrinkled, puffy and over-pancaked, he looks like a an open-casket corpse.