Thursday, August 13, 2009

Heavy Medal

I can't imagine a gay person in the world who wasn't proud to see President Obama bestow Billie Jean King and Harvey Milk with the Presidential Medal of Freedom yesterday at the White House. These were two of my biggest heroes growing up, so it only increases my respect for the president to see that he recognizes how important they are to our country's history. (How special that Milk's nephew, Stuart Milk, was there to accept it.) Friend of the gays Ted Kennedy was also honored (his daughter, Kara, accepted), as well as Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Sidney Poitier, Stephen "thank God socialized medicine didn't kill me" Hawking, Chita Rivera and fellow Arizona gal Sandra Day O'Connor. Of course, the best moment had to be when Obama got into a battle with the head dress of Chief Joseph Medicine Crow, who was recognized for his service in WWII and was for being the first member of his tribe to earn a master's degree. (Is this a sketch on "The Carol Burnett Show"?!!!!)

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