Monday, June 08, 2009

Drama Queen


So I’m at my DRAMA QUEERS! book party on Friday night at “1984” @ The Pyramid, and I’m standing at the bar, chatting with some friends… When who do I see walk into the bar, sans entourage? I’ll give you a hint: she’s not gay, but she plays one on a highly rated TV hospital drama.

None other than Grey’s Anatomy’s own Sara Ramírez!

Sara in the (212)

Now normally, despite what anyone might think, I’m not what you’d called a “star fucker.” Being an actor for many years, I’ve been “on set” before, and have shared the screen with the likes of Academy Award winners, Meryl Streep, Renee Zellweger, and William Hurt.

My personal philosophy is to treat actors like regular people, and to not feed their egos—esp. if I don’t really know who they are or have never seen their work… But this was my book party, and Calli Torres was there, and I watch her show every week!

Of course, I had to look twice to make sure it was really her. In person, “Sada” is a good 5’10” tall, and much thinner than she appears onscreen (those 10 pounds!) Dressed in all black, she wore tight jeans and a top similar to the one in the above photo... At least that’s how I remember her looking. Damn Kenneth for being down in the (202) on the night of my book party! Otherwise, surely he would have whisked me over and introduced me to Miss Calliope, (and snapped our photo together).

What really gets me, looking back, is that Sara (and the extremely cute/non-celeb guy that she came to the club with) was also at 1984 with a guy I happen to know from my undergrad days at Wayne State University in Detroit—an incredibly talented actor by the name of Michael Pemberton, who’s appeared on Broadway in Aaron Sorkin’s The Farnsworth Invention and more recently in ABBA’s Mamma Mia.

From what I gathered, Michael and his wife, Andrea, were out on the town with Sara and cute/non-celeb guy before stopping by the Pyramid. Because I hadn’t seen Michael in I-don’t-know-how-many years, the last thing I wanted to do was say, “Great to see you again! Now would you mind introducing me to your friend, Calli from Grey’s?”

What’s funny is that when Michael mentioned he and his wife were at the club with “a friend who’s in town,” he totally downplayed the fact that he was in the company of a major TV star. Of course, being an actor himself, Michael wasn’t about to gush or brag or treat Sara like anything other than she is—a fellow Drama Queer… I can’t tell you how much I wanted to slip her a book and ask her to pass it on to T.R.!

(Sara, if you happen to read this post or get wind of it, I’m so sorry I didn’t have the balls to stalk you like a real fan!)

Now I’m wondering what brought Sara to town this weekend… I expected to see her presenting at the Tony Awards last night, or at least walking the red carpet. Instead, they invite the likes of Bret Michaels to appear. (But I’m saving that for another post!)


Anonymous said...

She was probably still in town from the benefit she performed at on Fire Island last weekend.

mdb said...

It is my understanding that Sara sends much of her non-filming/work time in NYC as she still considers it home in many ways. Also she did the Pine 69 benefit last weekend so I am not surprised she was still in town. Thanks for the glimpse the read person.


mdb said...

sorry that should be 'real' person - see what happens when you are multitasking at work :)