Monday, June 15, 2009

Page 1 Consider (06/15)

  • Pride and Prejudice: The mayors of Los Angeles and San Francisco joined gay rights groups Sunday in raising concerns about the Obama administration's defense of a federal law restricting same-sex marriage. "I think it's a big mistake," San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom said shortly before he and his Los Angeles counterpart, Antonio Villaraigosa, kicked off the annual L.A. Pride parade in West Hollywood. (LA Times)

  • Shanghai Surprise: Despite facing some disappointments and limitations, Shanghai Pride week gave gay men and lesbians a venue to celebrate their sexual orientation in a way some never dreamed possible. (NYT)

  • Simply the Best: Roger Federer is rightly hailed the best ever in the new Sports Illustrated. The Martina vs. Steffi case is a much more difficult one to crack ... (ATP)

  • Real Ugly: Remember Charles Perez, the TV personality who dated Norman Korpi from Season One of "The Real World"? It seems he's in a nasty gay divorce that's more exciting than anything that's been on MTV in ages. (TabloidProdigy)

  • Sword Fight: Olympic fencer turned model Jason Rogers has all the right moves. (Out)

  • Like a Virgin: On Sunday, bargain-hunting passers-by and hard-core music shoppers poked through what few items remained at the last large-scale record store in New York City. (NYT)

  • Willing to Convert: OK. Ivanka Trump may have already gotten her claws in Jared Kushner. But little brother Joshua is mine. (He might even help me get into Harvard.) (NYT)

  • Everyman: A slew of hot celebrities dropped trou and shirt for U.K. Cosmopolitan’s annual Naked Centerfolds Special, which benefits prostate and testicular cancer causes. (TabloidProdigy)

  • Prostate Milking: Oscar-winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black (of "Milk" fame) has found himself in the center of a sex scandal, after an ex-lover apparently auctioned off photos (and a tape?) of the couple in "happier" times -- doin' it bareback style. Many -- including my pal Mike Wood of INSTINCT magazine -- are taking Perez Hilton to task for publishing the photos (read HERE). But I can't help but feel that Mike and likeminded others aren't a bit off base when arguing that Perez was wrong to do this because Black is "one of the gay community’s actual up-and-coming leaders." Using this logic, does this mean it is OK to post compromising photos of "bad" gays? (Actually I think I know the answer: remember the complete lack of outrage when the exact same thing happened TO Perez Hilton?!) But if so, who gets decide which camp each of us "gays" fall into? (Someone better mail me the list, stat!) What's more, so what if Black made a sex tape with his partner? (He looks really good, btw!) While it's true that he has been an advocate of safer sex, what he does in his private life is his business. To me, the real villain here is the person who betrayed Dustin Lance Black. Perez Hilton is just handling the situation like he would if this happened to any other celebrity. (PerezHilton -- adult link)

  • RIP: Dr. Robert Berkman, 63, was a Vietnam-era radical who founded a group that helped make AIDS medications available to some of the world’s poorest people. (NYT)
  • 1 comment:

    Jimmy said...

    I guess I'm torn about Hilton's choices in this case. Clearly, Black's ex is a total shit and it can be said that Hilton aided his agenda. Should Hilton show deference to Black because he is a gay 'hero'? Or, should he not show partiality and be about his business of celebrity gossip?

    The thing is, has this situation really hurt the careers of anyone it has happened to? Kim Kardashian, Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson, Colin Ferrell...they are all as or more famous since their sexcapades were made public. There is, after all, an easy way to avoid this kind of thing...don't allow these types of pics to be taken. Ever.