Saturday, May 16, 2009

Heaven Is Missing an Angel

Just watched "Farrah's Story." Absolutely devastating.


John said...

Yes it was devastating. She was so brave to go through all those treatements and to document it.

I wrote about my admiration for Farrah, last month when it was reported that she was unconscious. You can read that
hereI'm glad she is still with us and hopefully pain free; also hoping for a miracle.

Josh Diaz said...

I agree with you.. so sad. I really admire her for doing this, it's not an easy thing to expose it.

Unknown said...

I have it recorded but haven't watched it yet. Did you use her shampoo in the 70s? It smelled really good!

Danny in WeHo said...

I spent Friday night helping my friend, Geoff and his girlfriend, The Girl (as I call her), move. At our dinner break we turned on the T.V. and on the guide I saw Farrah's Story was on. I yelled, "Farrah!", so wanting to accomodate the homo what's helping them move, we put it on. 20 seconds later I was on the verge of tears- she was sitting awaiting more radiation. I was worried about having a fit of tears in front of my macho friend and The Girl when, luckily, he said, "turn it, I can't watch this." He was on the verge of tears as well.
The girl asked, "Why do they put this on T.V. like this, (cancer) has already been on T.V., does she just want attention?" I told her Farrah was brave because it was ugly and real. Cancer has been on t.v. for so long, but it's pretty cancer, like Desperate Housewives- where we see Lynette bald because of the treatments, but we don't see her sitting pain with horrific bruises all over her body. Plus, Farrah's cancer is not a pretty cancer, it's anal/liver cancer - T.V. cancer is usually Hodkins or Breast Cancer, which, while equally tragic and deadly aren't as "unpresentable" as anal.

I don't think I could watch it without expecting to be wrecked for days after.