Wednesday, December 10, 2008

And His Approval Rating was 13 Percent Before This

What a lunatic! THIS may go down as one of the greatest political scandals ever ...

CHICAGO -- Little in Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich’s background prepared the people of Illinois for the man who was revealed in the criminal complaint that dropped like a bombshell here on Tuesday. Delusional, narcissistic, vengeful and profane, Mr. Blagojevich as portrayed by federal prosecutors shocked even his most ardent detractors.


John said...

oh and it is just beginning! As an Illinois resident, I can tell you it was NOT such a sad day here as widely reported. Illinoisians are happy now and celebrating that he is finally going DOWN...Ding Dong the witch is dead! I even did some blogging today on this!

Anonymous said...

Despite all the media attention here in Illinois, it is safe to say that most voters in this state are dancing a jig of glee knowing that Rod and his pompous pompadour hair will be endicted soon enough!!

Anonymous said...

This man threatened to stop 8 million dollars promised to Children's Hospital because someone at the hospital would not donate $50,000 to him. Roddy, my boy, these are sick CHILDREN! See the word in the hospitals name?RB should be whipped 120 times on his bare back in public just for this crime alone. And yes, threatening to withhold state money for personal gain IS an actual crime. I am ashamed to be from ILL. I am very afraid of where and who this is going to end up hurting when it is all over.