Friday, October 03, 2008

October Symphony

So much confusion, when autumn comes around

It's October again, and with the change of seasons also comes everybody's favorite "holigay" -- National Coming Out Day. I can still remember back in the '80s when you'd meet another gay guy and the first thing he'd always say was, "Do your parents know about you?" I always hated that question and wanted to say, "Um, yes. They were there when I was born." (Oh, the good ole days!) To be honest, I've now been "out" longer than I was ever "in" (if I ever was), so sometimes it's easy to forget what a pivotal moment it is in every LGBT person's life. To help remind us of some of those life-changing journeys and to celebrate National Coming Out Day 2009, the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center, in conjunction with IN Los Angeles magazine, has set up a dedicated Web site for people's personal tales --

 To make things even gayer, some of the stories submitted by next Wednesday (Oct. 8) will appear in IN. And everyone who submits a story by Oct. 20 will be entered in a drawing to win tickets to see Madonna or Margaret Cho (what, no tickets to Kathy Griffin???). 

 I already contributed my saga last year (below), so now it's your turn to tell yours. Click HERE to submit it today.

1 comment:

Baal said...

There wasn't enough room! All I could tell was off when my Mom told me my grandmother was dead and I realized she'd find out I was gay by the fellow attendees at my funeral, leading to a situation where it was 'Steve, your grandmother's dead' followed by "Mom, I'm gay'. There wasn't enough room for the story of how calling in to AM Philadelphia to rip a homophobic guest a new one was watched by my little brother and his future wife down at the Jersey Shore. When I came out to my sister, she told me my brother had told them already.

Oh, and I never really did come out to Dad. I think I meant to but you know how these things go. The way he found out was that I lived with a sister when I first moved to Phoenix and when out to dinner with Dad and the new wife she said to them that the coolest part of me staying there was she learning all the cool gay slang. From the looks on their faces Jel realized she had just outed me!