Friday, October 24, 2008

Extra! Extra!

My friends over at the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center report that the organization's recent 37th Anniversary Gala and Auction was a huge success that raised $425,000 for much-needed programs, and brought out a lot of movers and shakers. Highlights included Tipper Gore coming out against Proposition 8, host and (212) FAVE Joely Fisher sharing a kiss with Vicky Lewis at the end of their duet, and Fisher delivering her opening monologue as Republican veep candidate Sarah Palin (does Tina Fey have more competition?). Gore said of Prop 8, "The Gore family is a part of your family right now" (God, why couldn't she have been our first lady these last EIGHT years?). Fisher took on the same topic with a lighter approach, asking gay and lesbian couples why they wanted to marry. “No on Prop 8, but be careful what you wish for," said Carrie Fisher's half-sister (they both obviously got the wry gene!). Gus Van Sant was honored with the Center’s Board of Directors Award, which "Milk" actor Stephen Spinella presented.

Sounds like a great night! Here are the photo highlights from the evening. (Wish I could have made it, Jim!)

L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center CEO Lorri L. Jean, second from left, with "Milk" writer Dustin Lance Black, director Gus Van Sant and producer Bruce Cohen (Photo: Faye Sadou)
Gus Van Sant, who received the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center’s Board of Directors Award, arrives at the Center’s 37th Anniversary Gala and Auction with others from the upcoming biopic "Milk." From left are producers Bruce Cohen and Dan Jinks, director Gus Van Sant, actor Stephen Spinella and writer Dustin Lance Black
Models from the Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency (Photo: Beck Starr)
"Proud celesbian" Joely Fisher, left, shares an on-stage kiss with Vicky Lewis (aka Kathy Griffin's good twin) after the two performed a duet together (Photo: Faye Sadou)
Former second lady Tipper Gore came out against Proposition 8, and presented the Center’s Corporate Vision Award to furniture-makers Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams. (Photo: Beck Starr)
Gus Van Sant accepts the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center’s Board of Directors Award. (Photo: David B. Arenas)

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