Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pick on someone your own size ...

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This post was written by guest blogger Marc Lallanilla.)

In case you thought Christian zealots were the only pseudo-religious crackpots around, a Muslim cleric has now declared that Mickey Mouse is "one of Satan's soldier's" and must be killed.

Satan's soldier? "The power of cheese compels you ..."

Sheikh Muhammad Munajid, a former diplomat at the Saudi embassy in Washington, D.C., provided no advice on how to kill a cartoon character. Maybe he can convince Wile E. Coyote to drop an ACME anvil on the mouse's head.


Anonymous said...

Yes, but then we know the anvil never kills, just ends that attempt.

Bob Speck said...

My money is on the mouse!

Unknown said...

This is the one exceptional case that I'll allow the use of guns. Justifiable homicide for the cleric, anyone?

dkm said...

Is there such thing as a "secular fatwa"?