Thursday, July 24, 2008

Savage Love/Hate

Let's try this again. Regarding the Michael Savage item earlier today. I MOST DEFINITELY know the difference between Michael and Dan Savage. But since several dozen(!) readers didn't "get" the joke on that post, I went back and re-worded it. (I skim blogs too, so I forgive you all.) In short, Washington Post humor columnist Gene Weingarten was giving Michael Savage a taste of his own fact-challenged medicine about autism not being real by saying he likes Michael's "Savage Love" column, which -- of course -- is not his, but why let a little thing like the truth get in the way of shooting off your mouth! (Get it? The facts do matter.)

Gene Weingarten: Do you remember Michael Savage, the poisonous right-wing radio talk show host whom I reported about in my piece on 24-hour punditry? Michael is back in the news for expressing the opinion, on the air, that "99 percent" of all children diagnosed with autism are "brats" who haven't been told to "cut the act out." He said: "They don't have a father around to tell them, 'Don't act like a moron. You'll get nowhere in life.'"

Savage is not retracting this, even though he admits it might be a little wrong. And I don't blame him. Getting things a little wrong is okay. I remain a supporter of Michael Savage, because I am a fan of his column "Savage Love," in which he deals forthrightly with the fact that he is gay and proud of it, and joyfully gives out highly knowledgeable advice on techniques for active, hedonistic, sexually adventuresome gay males like himself. I LOVE that column.


mike said...

WHEW! well f***king thank god ...

Bill said...

Thought your readers were a little sharper than that, eh? Weingarten had the same problem! Jeez.

Anonymous said...

I should know better than to rely on stereotypes, but I always thought gay men were fairly intelligent. This belief is disproven daily. Read the comments on any gay blog if you need a reality check.

Anonymous said...

Also, I'd like to add that I knew this reaction was coming when I read your initial post on the subject.