Friday, April 18, 2008

Scientology 101

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This post was written by guest blogger Frank Anthony Polito.)

I saw this headline: Jason Beghe: Scientologist Feared a Gay Friend Caused My Car Crash so I figured it would make for (212)-worthy news... Even though I had no idea who Jason Beghe is. So I imbd'd him, only to find he's Jeffrey from Melrose Place circa 1994.

Remember when he first came on the show at Matt (Doug Savant)'s totally HOT new b/f? (Wasn't he like in the military or something and they did a whole "Don't ask, don't tell" thing... Or am I totally making that up? Or was he HIV+?)

All I really remember is a) how HOT Craig and I both thought he was/is (can you say "Daddy?"), and b) how Jeffrey & Matt would always hug whenever they were in the throws of passion... (Much like Luke & Noah over on As the World Turns as of late.) Did we ever get a single kiss out of them?

Here's another pic of Mr. Beghe... Call it "an oldie but a goodie!" (Personally, I like him better without all the hair--on his head!)


Mark said...

I didn't know him by name either, but then I saw his face and knew he was the HOT state trooper in Thelma & Louise! Now I love him even more for ditching that ridiculous cult.

Timmy said...

Why is he in a sling in those pics? :-)