Saturday, April 19, 2008

Nina the Wonder Mutt

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This post was written by guest blogger Frank Anthony Polito.)

Good afternoon! I promised myself I would get some much-needed writing done today, after spending the majority of yesterday doing I-can't-even-remember-what. But it's such a beautiful day here in the (347), that I HAD to take a walk in Prospect Park with my roommate, Dan, and his wonderful "little girl," Nina.

Seriously, this photo doesn't do her justice. But she will not let us take her picture. We think she thinks we're going to steal her soul or something.

I realize the (212) is a pro-cat blog, but I hope all you dog lovers out there will indulge me for a bit...

Nina is the best dog ever (and I'm not just saying that!) She is sooo good. She hardly ever barks, she doesn't drool or lick you (unless you've got peanut butter on your fingers) and she's never ever bad (except when we come home to find her slinking down from the couch and hiding beneath it.)

She's a beagel/hound/shepherd kind of mix... We call her the "Little Wolfy." Other pet-names include: Little Girl, Girl, Muttley, Little Muttley, Monkey Butt, and Butt.

I keep telling Dan I don't know about those last two! I can just imagine the conversations she has with her dog-friends at PPP... "My name's Nina, but my Master calls me Butt!" (pause) "What's a butt, anyways?!"

Dan got her about 5 or 6 years ago when he was still livin down in DC. I guess she's a "Rescue Dog." The funny/sad thing about her is... She HATES fire trucks (the sirens), and will howl out in pain whenever they pass by (which is quite often as we live right around the corner from an FDNY station!)

For the longest time, we couldn't figure out why this was. Then one day, someone asked Dan about Nina's background, and he couldn't give them an answer as all her paperwork was lost in the fire. (Duh, Dan!)

Her likes include: lying around the living room, having her belly rubbed, P-Nuttier doggie treats, lying around the backyard, watching Craig, Dan, and I dance around the kitchen, and lying around on Dan's bed.

When I moved to NYC in 1995 and abandoned my own dog, Lucky (who shortly thereafter got a one way ticket to the Happy Hunting grounds), I vowed never to fall in love again... Too bad I'm hooked!


Joey said...

Maybe she won't pose for a pic, but she DOES look cute!

Bradmo said...

OMG so cute!! But don't tell Kenneth (or Larry!) that I said that. Cats are cute and all, but I'm allergic.
I also have several nick names for my little Rusty. They include Russell, monkey (ne' minkey, a'la' Clouseau), stinkbutt (although he doesn't have a stinky butt, he's just s stinker), little boy, and best boy. He also loves peanut butter, and loves to give kisses, but he doesn't charge for them.