Friday, February 22, 2008

20/20 Hindsight

Sometimes those "buy one pair get a second half-off" deals at LensCrafters aren't really a deal after all.


philly76 said...

His wife just scares me. Is she human??

Marc Lallanilla said...

Ken, that was the caption of the year. Brilliant!

(And yes, she is an evil android whose mission is to destroy the planet we call Earth. She must be dealt by whatever means are necessary.)

Anonymous said...

Geez, are you trying to give us nightmares?

Cindy's like the freaky reptilian aliens in that 1980's TV series V. I keep expecting her jaw to unhinge so she can swallow a hamster or parakeet in one gulp...

Bogart's Den said...

Looks like they paid the same for their hair cuts as well!!

Busplunge said...

Hold on tight, don't look back, deny everything and quit buying us these stupid techno glasses!

Anonymous said...

My question is - why does she always wear turtlenecks? What's wrong with her neck that we're not supposed to see?

Are we being unkind and bitchy?