Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Subway Smackdown

Not sure if this rather disturbing incident is making national news or not, but the mystery man videotaped being taunted and pummeled on an A train by a pack of girls has finally come forward and pressed charges against his attackers Monday night. Rafael Cruz, 27, of Brooklyn, filed a formal complaint with the NYPD Transit Bureau just days after the father of one of the suspects pleaded with him to seek justice. It's a sad state of affairs when you can't ride the subway without something this fucked up happening. But at the obvious risk of being accused of blaming the victim, watching the unedited version makes me wonder why he kept engaging these idiots instead of just changing cars. Oh, well. I guess the wannabe gangstas are just lucky Bernard Goetz wasn't there instead. (Gothamist)

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