Monday, August 13, 2007

The Purr-Fect Friend

I'm not about to get into a dogs vs. cats argument online. But I will say that one of the major complaints dog lovers seem to have about felines is their supposed lack of loyalty. I've never experienced this, though. I got home from my long weekend in Washington a few hours ago and despite the fact that my little guy, Troy, had been staying with a friend while I was away, he clearly missed me. He's been following me around purring ever since. When I sat down at my laptop to start blogging he bypassed any of his normal sleeping areas to crawl up in the window sill directly to my right as to be as close to me as possible. They don't get much sweeter than this one. Here's an old photo I found of him at age 3 back in 1997, exactly 10 years younger than he is now.

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