Wednesday, July 11, 2007



It turns out mice aren't just invading my homelife. We now have a mouse who's taken up residence in our brand-new luxury high-rise office building at work! He was supposedly living under Kevin's desk but tonight he went running through the middle of the newsroom. I didn't seem him when everyone else did but then suddenly he was looking up at me across the way from my desk. Bigger than the ones I've seen in my apartment. Gray. Pretty cute. Naturally I spent the rest of the night with my feet up on my chair (you can never be too careful).

Michael ended up getting us tickets to the Mets game on Thursday. I just hope this heatwave is over by then, I don't think I can handle three hours at Shea sitting in a pool of my own sweat (can you say swamp ass?).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should name the office mouse. Maybe like "newshound" or something like that. Make him a pet. Leave him some cheese and peanut butter.