Thursday, June 14, 2007

Page 1 Consider (06/14)

  • Too Much Sangria? A man was arrested before dawn on Wednesday as he drove his Toyota Celica down the Spanish Steps, one of Rome's most popular tourist spots where visitors are usually banned from drinking and singing, let alone driving. The police surrounded the sports car as it neared the bottom of the sweeping 18th-century staircase, almost reaching the Piazza di Spagna. Damn! Other than meeting Roger Federer, we didn't see anything this cool in Rome last month! (Reuters)

  • D-lish: Funny lady Kathy Griffin is back in rare form in Season 3 of "My Life on the D-List," although the upcoming scenes of her dad dying look like they may be too hard to bear (see "Work Out"). I'm not sure how I feel about Tom, the new out-of-place straight guy (essentially a stand-in for her ex-husband, Matt), but I see the show's first season is now out on DVD and I'm wondering what it would be like to re-watch those episodes knowing that Matt had already been evicted from the house and was primarily there to fulfill their obligations to Bravo. (RealityTV)

  • Booby Trap: Not all men can have manboobs as sexy as Jesse Metcalfe's. In fact, more and more guys found to have enlarged male breasts, a condition known as gynecomastia, are seeking treatment for it than ever before, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. (NYT)

  • Headline: A Serial Killer Regrets His Dressing (Banterist)

  • Headline: China Grabs US Nuts (

  • Friendly Skies, My Ass: A Fort Lauderdale lawyer was arrested at Jacksonville International Airport after the pilot of a Southwest Airlines plane alerted authorities while still in the air about an overly demonstrative passenger who had allegedly groped a male steward. John Michael Moody II, 43, was arrested by federal air marshals when the plane arrived at the gate. He was charged with interfering with a flight crew. If convicted Moody could face a maximum 20-year sentence and $250,000 fine. The Jacksonville Times-Union quoting court papers filed by federal marshals reports that Moody boarded the plane in Indianapolis and asked, "Where is the gay section?" -- which, in all fairness, was a more-than-fair question. (365Gay)

  • Get a Hobby: A socially conservative group largely responsible for the passage of an amendment to the Arkansas Constitution banning gay marriage is bored again and is now focusing on a similar ballot measure to block gays and lesbians from becoming parents. Don't they have canasta down there??? (365Gay)

  • Sweet Williamsburg: Brooklyn's beloved waterfront is being called an endangered site, with preservationists lamenting the loss of buildings like the Domino Sugar factory to commercial development. My brother snapped this shot just this past weekend. (NYT)


    Deeoshaythree said...

    "Interfering with a flight crew"—I like that! Well, surely if the steward was hot, you couldn't blame this guy. ;)

    J. David Zacko-Smith said...

    OK, so are you saying that the hot guy in that picture has man-boobs? MMMM....I don't think so! Man boobs = "fatty tissue" and NOT "developed muscle".

    Anonymous said...
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    Anonymous said...

    I don't believe I've heard the word "steward" used since "Airplane!" was still a new release.