Monday, June 25, 2007

Beyond the Thirty Mile Zone

Allison Hope Weiner has a great piece in today's New York Times about the "Web site celebrities fear" --, which has become a household name virtually overnight with its incessant coverage of celebrities' every moves. In the article, TMZ managing editor and former "Celebrity Justice" star Harvey Levin (rather unironically) says, "We work as hard at breaking a Britney Spears story as NBC would work on breaking a President Bush piece." (If only this were true, NBC.)

What Weiner didn't address, however, was the fear other bloggers have of TMZ -- the fear of being ripped off by the celebrity juggernaut who labels stories lifted from other sites as "exclusives" and gives no credit or links where they're warranted.

Compare this JustJared post with this TMZ post or this kenneth in the (212) post with this TMZ post and you'll see what I mean. The N.Y. Times even went so far as to credit TMZ with MY story about Men's Fitness Photoshopping Andy Roddick's recent cover pic!

1 comment:

Trent Evans said...

TMZ is as scrupulous as Perez Hilton.