Thursday, February 15, 2007

Page 1 Consider (02/15)

  • Reinvention: The first transsexual elected to a national office stepped down Wednesday but her political career is likely far from over. Although no official announcement has been made, Georgina Beyer bid New Zealand's Parliament goodbye amid rumors that she will now run for mayor of Wellington. (Or was it Auckland, Bill?) Although her political aspirations are interesting, I'm more excited for her to write an autobiography. Prior to her career in politics, Beyer went from being a (male) stripper and hustler in Australia, to a server, to a champion of LGBT rights. (Somebody call Hilary Swank's agent, pronto.) (365Gay)

  • Presidential Power: Susan B. Anthony and Sacagawea couldn't cut it on a dollar coin, can a bunch of dead presidents? (NYT)

  • Blame it on Karen St. Valentine: Same-sex couples seeking marriage licenses descended on clerks offices from one end of the country to the other on Wednesday, marking the 10th Freedom to Marry Day. As in the past nine years in every state except Massachusetts they were refused. But even in the Bay State -- the only place in the country were same-sex couples can legally wed, gay marriage advocates were out in force denouncing a proposed amendment to the Massachusetts Constitution that would end the practice. (KVUE)

  • Justice for Anthony Milano: They convicted this heartless killer twice -- and now they've sentenced him to death twice. (365Gay)

  • Midwestern Values: The Iowa Senate doesn't want kids bullying LGBT kids -- even ones who go to religious schools. (WCF)

  • Takes One to Know One: Legislation that would have made it a crime in Montana to discriminate against gays, lesbians and the transgendered in Montana died in committee Wednesday because the Catholic Church objects to protecting LGBT individuals. Naturally, it didn't take long for the "What if someone's a pedophile" argument to kick in (you know, a synonym for homosexual). (365Gay)

  • Private Parts: Radio hero Howard Stern is engaged. (AP)

  • History Repeating: An overlooked file owned by the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research in New York reveals some fascinating details about Anne Frank family's efforts to escape Amsterdam for America or Cuba before the Nazis got to them. Reading about the State Department’s tightening restrictions in the hour of need of European Jews one can't help but think of the thousands of Iraqis who have not been able to get asylum here as we plunge their country deeper into despair. Four years into the war, the U.S. is finally set to accept 7,000 Iraqi refugees, which is no consolation for the thousands who have already lost their lives. (NYT)

    Alex said...

    Am so happy to see another fan of Georgina Beyer. I saw a documentary about her life last year and have been a fan of her ever since. I too look forward to the autobiography and to the movie!! You know it will happen!

    Paul said...

    Georgina Beyer's autobiography, Change for the Better, was published in 1999. A documentary about her life, Georgie Girl, was released in 2002. As for the movie, it is in pre-production. So it will happen.

    If you go to the Rado New Zealand pages here you can find an interview with her.