Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tuesday Photologue

AND THEY CALLED IT PUPPY LOVE: I was walking down Seventh Avenue when I ran into two of my friends sitting at a cafe with this adorable little gal. My friend John had just brought this little Boston Terrier home and she still doesn't have a name. (Anyone have any ideas?) She stole my heart real quick.

LET 'EM EAT CAKE: Every time I walk past Magnolia Bakery in the Village it never ceases to amaze me that people will line up around the block just for a treat. I guess straight people really love cake.

SOMEONE HAD TO PEA: I don't know why but when I went to the bathroom at work and saw the drain filled with peas it made me laugh.


Anonymous said...

When I saw the cute dog, I immediately thought of Molly.

Anonymous said...

I thought about this and i say she (cutie pie puppy) looks like a Nikki.


Anonymous said...

magnolia(the bakery)is where they filmed "sex in the city"...too much icing for my tastes....I love Claude's Patessiere on West 4th...it's a secret so don't tell anyone.....it's been there longer than I have lived here...that's a rarity around here now..go early for the crossaint

Wayne said...

My 2 year old Boston's name is Chloe and she's my pride and joy.

Steve Reed said...

How about "Frogface"? (I mean that in the best possible way.)

And, ummmm, those peas are kind of gross.

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

I ran into the dog's owner over the weekend and she ended up being named Ruby! Very cute ...